Saturday, September 23, 2006

2006/9/23 Saturday Sunny England-Kent-SissingHurst

A sixteenth century tower, and other buildings, with the most famous twentieth century garden in England. Sissinghurst garden is a prime example of the Arts and Crafts style. The garden was made on the site of a medieval manor and some structures survive. Harold Nicolson, a diplomat and author, laid down the main lines of the Sissinghurst design in the 1930s. Vita Sackville-West, a poet, a garden writer and Harold’s wife, took responsibility for the planting at Sissinghurst garden. She worked as an ‘artist-gardener’. Her planting design was brilliant. The historical importance of Sissinghurst Castle Garden comes from its role in transmitting Gertrude Jekyll’s design philosophy to a host of visitors.

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